


Song Index

50Ft Queenie - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums and Singles
50Ft Queenie (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
97 Degrees - from 'Shame' - see Singles
A Child's Question, August - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
A Child's Question, July - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
A Dog Called Money - from 'A Dog Called Money' - see Singles
A Girl Like Me - from 'Desert Sessions' - see Guest Spots
A Line In The Sand - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
A Noiseless Noise - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
A Perfect Day Elise - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums and Singles
A Place Called Home - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
A Woman A Man Walked By / The Crow Knows Where All The Little Children Go - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Age Of The Dollar - performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Airplane Blues - performed by John Parish & PJ Harvey from 'How Animals Move' - see Guest Spots
All And Everyone - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
All Souls - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
An Acre Of Land - from the 'Dark River' soundtrack - see Singles
Angel - from 'You Came Through' - see Singles
Angelene - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
April - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Arpeggio Waltz (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
As Close As This - from 'A Place Called Home' - see Singles
Ascending (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
August - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
Autumn Term - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
Baby In A Plastic Bag - performed by Grape from 'Baby In A Plastic Bag' - see Guest Spots
Beautiful Feeling - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
Becoming (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Before Departure - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Before The Poison - performed by Marianne Faithfull from 'Before The Poison' - see Guest Spots
Big Exit - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
Bitter Branches - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
Bitter Little Bird performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Bobby Don't Steal performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Black Hearted Love - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Bows & Arrows - from 'The Letter' - see Singles
Broken Harp - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Broken Homes - performed by Tricky from 'Angels With Dirty Faces' - see Guest Spots
Cadenza (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Cat On The Wall - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
Catherine - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
Chain Of Keys - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
Change In C (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
City Of No Sun - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Civil War Correspondent - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Civil War Correspondent (Global Communications Remix) - from 'That Was My Veil' - see Singles
Claudine, My Inflatable One - from Peel Session April 1993 - see Radio - currently unreleased
C'mon Billy - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums and Singles
Colour Me Grey - performed by The Family Cat from 'Furthest From The Sun' - see Guest Spots
Come To Me - performed by Mark Lanegan from 'Bubblegum' - see Guest Spots
Cracks In The Canvas - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Crawl Home - from 'Desert Sessions' - see Guest Spots
Daddy - performed by Spleen from ' Soundtrack To Spleen' - see Guest Spots
Daddy - from 'Man-size' - see Singles
Dance - from 'Shame' - see Singles
Dance Hall At Louse Point - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Dance On The Mountain - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' sessions - officially unreleased
Darling Be There - from 'C'mon Billy' - see Singles
Dear Darkness - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Death Is Not The End - performed by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds from 'Murder Ballads' - see Guest Spots
Decending (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Dollar, Dollar - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
Down By The Water - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums and Singles
Dress - from 'Dry' - see Albums and Singles
Dress (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Driving (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Dry - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Dry (Demo) - from 'Dress' - see Singles
Easy (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Ecstasy - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Ecstasy (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Electric Light - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
England - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
Eugene Alone - from 'London Tide' theatre production - officially unreleased
Evol - from Peel Session May 2004 - see Radio - currently unreleased
Eyepennies - performed by 'Sparklehorse' from 'It's A Wonderful Life' - see Guest Spots
False Fire - from 'Black Hearted Love' - see Singles
Featherhead - from 'Swing Slang Song EP' - see Guest Spots
Fountain - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Fountain (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Girl - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Glorious - from 'Four (Acts Of Love)' - see Guest Spots
Good Fortune - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
Goodnight - from 'To Bring You My Love'/'Bsides' - see Albums
Goodnight (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Green Eyes - performed by Pascal Comelade from 'L'argot Du Bruit' - see Guest Spots
Grow Grow Grow - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Guilty - from 'Guilty' - see Singles
Hair - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Hair (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' & 'Sheela Na Gig' - see Albums and Singles
Hanging In The Wire - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
Happy & Bleeding - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Happy & Bleeding (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Harder - from 'Send His Love To Me' - see Singles
Hardly Wait (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Heaven - from 'The Piano' - see Singles
Heela - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Henry Lee - performed by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds from 'Murder Ballads' - see Guest Spots
Highway 61 Revisited - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Hit The City - performed by Mark Lanegan from 'Bubblegum' - see Guest Spots
Hitting The Ground - performed by Gordon Gano & PJ Harvey from 'Hitting the Ground' - see Guest Spots
Homo Sappy Blues - performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Hook - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Hook (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Horses In My Dreams - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
I Inside The Old I Dying - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
I Inside The Old Year Dying - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Album I Think I'm A Mother - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
I Wonder As I Wander (Niles) - performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
I'll Be Waiting - from 'A Dog Called Money' - see Singles
In A Silent Violent Way - performed by Spleen from'Little Scratches' - see Guest Spots
Instrumental #2 - from 'The Wind' - see Singles
Instrumental #3 - from 'A Perfect Day Elise' - see Singles
In The Dark Places - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
In The Factory - performed by Marianne Faithfull from 'Before The Poison' - see Guest Spots
Into Deep Neutral - performed by Moonshake from 'The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow' - see Guest Spots
Is That All There Is? - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Is This Desire? - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
It's You - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
Janet, Johnny & James - performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Joe - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Joe (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' & 'Sheela Na Gig' - see Albums and Singles
Johnny Hit & Run Pauline - performed by Giant Sand from 'Cover Magazine' - see Guest Spots
Joy - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
Just A Working Girl - performed by Moonshake from 'The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow' - see Guest Spots
Kamikaze - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
Kick It To The Ground - from 'A Place Called Home' - see Singles
Leaving California - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Legs - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Legs (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Let England Shake - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
Lieben (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Liverpool Tide - from 'The Devil' - see Singles
Lonely Avenue - performed by Ben Waters and PJ Harvey from 'Boogie 4 Stu' - see Guest Spots
Long Snake Moan - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
Long Time Coming - from 'Send His Love To Me' - see Singles
Losing Ground - from 'That Was My Veil' - see Singles
Lost Fun Zone - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Love Too Soon - performed by Pascal Comelade from 'L'argot Du Bruit' and 'Swing Slang Song EP' and 'Book Of Life OST'- see Guest Spots and Compilations
Lying In The Sun - from 'Down By The Water' - see Singles
Lwonesome Tonight - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
Man-Size - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums and Singles
Man-Size (Demo) - from '50Ft Queenie' - see Singles
Man-Size Sextet - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Maniac - from 'C'mon Billy' - see Singles
M-Bike (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Medicinals - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
Meet Ze Monsta - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
Me-Jane - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Memphis - from 'Good Fortune' - see Singles
Missed - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
My Beautiful Leah - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
My Friends Have - performed by Marianne Faithfull from 'Before The Poison' - see Guest Spots
My Own Private Revolution - from 'A Place Called Home' - see Singles
Naked Cousin - from 'The Crow 2 OST' and Peel Session April 1993 - see Compilations and Radio
Near The Memorials To Vietnam And Lincoln - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
Nickel Under The Foot - from 'Cradle Will Rock OST' - see Compilations
Nina In Ecstasy - from 'The Wind' - see Singles
No Child Of Mine - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
No Child Of Mine - performed by Marianne Faithfull from 'Before The Poison' - see Guest Spots
No Girl So Sweet - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
O Stella - from 'Dry' - see Albums
O Stella (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Oh My Lover - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Oh My Lover (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
On Battleship Hill - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
One Line - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
One Time Too Many - from 'C'mon Billy' & 'Batman Forever OST' - see Singles and Compilations
Passionless, Pointless - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Piano Fire - performed by 'Sparklehorse' from 'It's A Wonderful Life' - see Guest Spots
Pig Will Not - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
Plants & Rags - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Plants & Rags (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Polly Jean - tribute to PJ by JL Murat - see Tributes
Powdered Wig Machine - from 'Desert Sessions' - see Guest Spots
Prayer At The Gate - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
Primed & Ticking - from Peel Session April 1993 - see Radio - currently unreleased
Putty - performed by Automatic Dlamini from 'A Diva To A Diver' - see Guest Spots
Rebecca - from 'The Wind' - see Singles
Reeling - from '50Ft Queenie' - see Singles
Reeling (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Rest Sextet - performed by Spleen from ' Soundtrack To Spleen' - see Guest Spots
Rid Of Me - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Rid Of Me (Demo) - from ''4 Track Demos'' - see Albums
Right To Fly - performed by Moonshake from 'The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow' - see Guest Spots
River Anacostia - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
River Of Diamonds - performed by The Family Cat from 'Furthest From The Sun' - see Guest Spots
Rope Bridge Crossing - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Rub Til It Bleeds - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Rub Til It Bleeds (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Run On - performed by PJ Harvey & Tim Phillips - from 'Bad Sisters' - see Compilations
Satisfaction - performed by PJ Harvey & Bjork - see Compilations
Seem An I - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
Send His Love To Me - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums and Singles
Shake Your Hips - performed by PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Shaker Aamer - from 'Shaker Aamer' - see Singles
Shame - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
Sheela-Na-Gig - from 'Dry' - see Albums and Singles
Sheela-Na-Gig (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Shimmer (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Shot Of Love - from 'Music Of The Millennium Awards' - see Compilations
Silence - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Sixteen, Fifteen, Fourteen - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
66 Promises - from 'Good Fortune' - see Singles
Slow-Motion-Movie-Star - from Mick Harvey's 'Two Of Diamonds' - see Tributes
Snake - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Snake (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
So You Got A Horse - performed by Automatic Dlamini from 'A Diva To A Diver' - see Guest Spots
Somebody's Down Somebody's Name - from 'Down by The Water' - see Singles
Sorry For Your Loss - from John Parish's 'Bird Dog Dante' - see Guest Spots
Stone - from 'You Came Through' - see Singles
Straight - a cover of the Veruca Salt track - as performed on the 'To Bring You My Love' tour in 1995.
Sweeter Than Anything - from 'A Perfect Day Elise' - see Singles
Taut - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Teclo - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
That Was My Veil - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums and Singles
The Ballad Of The Soldier's Wife - from 'September Songs' - see Compilations
The Bay - from 'A Perfect Day Elise' - see Singles
The Big Guns Called Me Back Again - from 'The Words That Maketh Murder' - see Singles
The Camp - from 'The Camp' - see Singles
The Chair - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
The Colour Of The Earth - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
The Community Of Hope - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
The Crowded Cell - from the soundtrack to 'The Virtues' - see Compilations
The Cruel Mother - currently unreleased
The Dancer - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
The Darker Days Of Me & Him - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
The Desperate Kingdom Of Love - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
The Devil - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
The End - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
The Falling - from 'The Letter' - see Singles
The Faster I Breath, The Further I Go - from 'The Wind' & 'Book Of Life OST'- see Singles and Compilations
The Garden - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
The Glorious Land - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
The Last Living Rose - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
The Letter - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums and Singles
The Life & Death Of Mr Badmouth - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
The Mess We're In - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
The Ministry Of Defense - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
The Ministry Of Social Affairs - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
The Moth - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
The Mountain - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
The Mystery Of Love - performed by Marianne Faithfull from 'Before The Poison' - see Guest Spots
The Nether-Edge - from 'I Inside The Old Year Dying' - see Albums
The Nightingale - from 'The Glorious Land' - see Singles
The Northwood - from 'A Perfect Day Elise' - see Singles
The Orange Monkey - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
The Phone Song - from 'The Letter' - see Singles
The Piano - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
The Pocket Knife - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
The Red River - from 'Los Angeles Rising' - see Compilations
The Rider - cover version of Jim Yamouridis song - possibly from an XFM Radio Session - currently unreleased
The River - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
The Sandman - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
The Sky Lit Up - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums
The Slow Drug - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
The Soldier - from 'A Woman A Man Walked By' - see Albums
The Wheel - from 'The Hope Six Demolition Project' - see Albums
The Whores Hustle And The Hustler's Whore - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
The Wind - from 'Is This Desire?' - see Albums and Singles
The Words That Maketh Murder - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
There Will Never Be A Better Time - from 'Desert Sessions' - see Guest Spots
30 - from 'Good Fortune' - see Singles
This Is Love - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
This Is Mine - from 'Stella Does Tricks' - see Compilations
This Wicked Tongue - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
To Bring You My Love - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
To Talk To You - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Traume (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Uh Huh Her - from Peel Session May 2004 - see Radio - currently unreleased
Un Cercle Autour Du Soleil - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Urn With Dead Flowers In A Drained Pool - from 'Dance Hall At Louse Point' - see Albums
Victory - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Victory (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' - see Albums
Wait - from 'When Under Ether' - see Singles
Waltz (Instrumental) - from 'All About Eve (Soundtrack)' - see Compilations
Wang Dang Doodle - from 'Man-size' and Peel Session April 1993 - see Singles and Radio
Water - performed by Automatic Dlamini from 'A Diva To A Diver' - see Guest Spots
Water - from 'Dry' - see Albums
Water (Demo) - from 'Dry & Demonstration' and 'Dress' - see Albums and Singles
The Water Is Wide - from "Peaky Blinders" soundtrack - currently unreleased
We Float - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
We're Making War - performed by Moonshake from 'The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow' - see Guest Spots
When Under Ether - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
White Chalk - from 'White Chalk' - see Albums
Who By Fire - performed by PJ Harvey & Tim Phillips - from 'Bad Sisters' - see Compilations
Who The Fuck? - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums
Who The Fuck? (4 Track Version) - from 'You Came Through' - see Singles
Who Will Love Me Now? - from 'That Was My Veil' - see Singles
Why D'ya Have To Go To Cleveland? - performed by John Parish & PJ Harvey - currently unreleased
Will's Song - song written by Will Oldham for Polly and performed by PJ Harvey on tour 2001 - currently unreleased
Within A Month - from 'Black Hearted Love' - see Singles
Working For The Man - from 'To Bring You My Love' - see Albums
Written On The Forehead - from 'Let England Shake' - see Albums
Yell Hollow - performed by Automatic Dlamini from 'A Diva To A Diver' - see Guest Spots
You Come Through - from 'Uh Huh Her' - see Albums and Singles
You Said Something - from 'Stories From The City, Stories From The Sea' - see Albums
Your Last Friend In This Town - performed by Moonshake from 'The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow' - see Guest Spots
Yuri-G - from 'Rid Of Me' - see Albums
Yuri-G (Demo) - from '4 Track Demos' - see Albums
Zaz Turned Blue - from 'Lounge-a-polloza' - see Compilations